Community led learning that enables refugees to lead fulfilled lives

Athletics, a thrilling world of physical prowess and competition, has captivated the hearts of individuals worldwide. This universal pursuit encompasses a wide array of disciplines, from sprinting and long-distance running to high jump, pole vault, and shot put. The Olympics, a global sporting extravaganza, showcases the pinnacle of athletic achievement, uniting nations in the spirit of fair play and determination.

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Οι ασφαλείς πληρωμές μέσω του PayPal στα ελληνικά διαδικτυακά καζίνο αποτελούν μια εξαιρετική επιλογή για τους παίκτες που αναζητούν αξιοπιστία και ασφάλεια στις συναλλαγές τους. Η υπηρεσία PayPal προσφέρει γρήγορες και ασφαλείς μεταφορές χρημάτων, επιτρέποντάς σας να απολαμβάνετε τα αγαπημένα σας παιχνίδια χωρίς ανησυχίες.Στον ιστότοπο, θα βρείτε μια λεπτομερή λίστα με τα καλύτερα ελληνικά καζίνο που δέχονται PayPal. Αυτή η πλατφόρμα παρέχει σημαντικές πληροφορίες για την εγγραφή και τις πληρωμές μέσω PayPal, βοηθώντας τους παίκτες να επιλέξουν το καζίνο που ταιριάζει καλύτερα στις ανάγκες τους.

Με τη συνδυασμένη δύναμη του PayPal οι παίκτες στην Ελλάδα μπορούν να απολαμβάνουν ασφαλείς και απροβλημάτιστες συναλλαγές και να απολαύσουν την εμπειρία του διαδικτυακού καζίνο με απόλυτη ηρεμία.

Učne pobude skupnosti opolnomočijo begunce in jih opremijo z veščinami, ki spodbujajo samozadostnost in integracijo. Z zagotavljanjem izobraževanja, poklicnega usposabljanja in jezikovnega znanja ti programi beguncem utirajo pot do izpolnjujočega življenja in prispevajo k družbi gostiteljici.

Izboljšajte zabavo s spletnimi igralnicami v Sloveniji

V Sloveniji ponujajo privlačen pobeg spletne igralnice Z različnimi igrami in varnimi platformami lahko igralci uživajo v odgovornem igranju iger na srečo in vznemirljivih izkušnjah, hkrati pa prispevajo k lokalni igralniški skupnosti. Raziščite svet zabave in hkrati podpirajte prakse odgovornega igranja.

The Xavier Project is a community-led initiative that provides training and support to refugees, helping them live fulfilling lives. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, Project Xavier has enabled countless refugees to develop valuable skills, access education and health care, and create sustainable livelihoods. This not only improved the lives of individual refugees, but also contributed to the economic and social development of their communities. However, the Xavier Project is just one example of many organizations and initiatives working to make a positive impact on the world. In fact, even the gambling industry is making efforts to donate money through platforms such as Planet 7 sister casinos that support various charitable causes. By partnering with organizations like the National Breast Cancer Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, these online casinos are able to use their resources to make a difference in the lives of people in need. While it may seem surprising when an industry usually associated with entertainment and gambling is involved in charitable activities, it is a testament to the power of collective action and the many ways in which people and organizations such as online casinos can work together. to make the world a better place.

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Az online kaszinók a magyar játékosok számára az egyik legkedveltebb szórakozási lehetőséget jelentik. Magyarországon az online kaszinók rendkívül népszerűek, és számos izgalmas játék várja a játékosokat. A rulettől kezdve a blackjacken át egészen a nyerőgépekig, a legjobb online kaszinók mindent kínálnak, amire csak vágyhatnak a játékosok.

Ne keresgéljen tovább, látogasson el a online casino magyaroknak weboldalra, és kezdje el az online kaszinókban való játékot ma!

Recognizing the challenges refugees face in integrating into society, the Xavier Project aims to support them by offering vocational training, education and employment opportunities. In collaboration with Casino Moons, the organization has developed a program that not only teaches refugees about various aspects of the casino industry, but also helps them gain meaningful employment in the sector. Through this partnership, the Xavier Project and casino moons south africa are breaking down barriers for refugees, giving them access to new employment opportunities and supporting themselves and their families. Participants also receive professional development guidance and industry mentoring opportunities. By equipping refugees with the necessary skills and knowledge, Project Xavier and Casino Moons not only empower individuals, but also promote diversity and inclusion in the casino sector, creating a win-win situation for both refugees and the industry as a whole.

What we do

Through partnerships with refugee-led organisations we:

How we do it


Showcase the work of RLOs and connect them with other RLOs and the wider International aid sector.

Learn more


Create opportunities to fund RLOs at scale and mitigate the risks for both donors and RLOs.

Learn more

Capacity Strengthening

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Influence donor and implementing partner practices, and support RLOs to generate evidence.

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Learn more about our work with refugee organisations in East Africa

Our Impact

Refugee-led partner organisations in locations across East Africa

Refugee-led partner organisations in locations across East Africa

Children directly enabled to access school since 2008

Children directly enabled to access school since 2008

Refugees graduated from livelihoods and life skills courses

Refugees graduated from livelihoods and life skills courses

Individuals supported with learning and basic needs provisions in 2020

Individuals supported with learning and basic needs provisions in 2020

Refugee-led children’s learning hubs across East Africa

Refugee-led children’s learning hubs across East Africa

Courses developed in partnership with refugee-led organisations

Courses developed in partnership with refugee-led organisations

Directed to refugee-led organisations in 2020

Directed to refugee-led organisations in 2020

Learning programmes delivered in partnership with community organisations

Learning programmes delivered in partnership with community organisations

Where we work

Online casino Philippines Gcash is a payment method that allows players from the country to deposit and withdraw funds from their gambling accounts. It’s becoming more popular as the internet becomes more accessible and people look for ways to play without having cash on hand. The mobile wallet service is a convenient and secure option for many users. It also offers a range of benefits that make it a popular choice for online gambling.
Players can use their GCash account at a number of top casinos that accept this payment option. This includes 20Bet, which is the most popular site for South East Asian gamblers and features a wide selection of games including blackjack, roulette and baccarat. It also has a comprehensive sportsbook that covers all the big international events and local competitions.
Before making a list of online casino using GCash, players should ensure that their account is fully verified. They can do this by downloading the GCash app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The app will connect the bank account to the user’s mobile phone, effectively turning it into an e-wallet. The user can then transfer funds from the e-wallet to their online casino account.

Casino online Slovenija lokalnim igralcem omogočajo dostop do iger na srečo z računalnikov, tablic in pametnih telefonov. Te platforme ponujajo različne igralniške igre in možnosti plačevanja, ki ustrezajo potrebam vsakega igralca. Poleg tega najboljše spletne igralnice v Sloveniji ponujajo impresivne dobrodošlice in druge privlačne promocije.
Sektor iger na srečo v državi ureja Loterija Slovenije, podjetje v državni lasti, ki upravlja nacionalno loterijo in športne stave v Sloveniji. Vendar pa država ne izdaja licenc spletnim igralnicam, ki delujejo na njenem ozemlju. Zato spletne igralnice v državi niso zakonite, vendar imajo igralnice brez povezave in nacionalne loterije zakonit status.
Trenutno ima v Sloveniji licenco le ena spletna igralnica v državni lasti. Ta izključni monopol ima Casino Portorož d.d., vlada pa ga je podelila na podlagi posebnega razpisa za podelitev licence.
Ne glede na to lahko prebivalci države igrajo v mednarodnih spletnih igralnicah, ki gostujejo zunaj države. Glavna zahteva je, da so spletna mesta ustrezno regulirana in da so upravljavci seznanjeni s slovenskimi zakoni.

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Les jeux de Casino Quatro ont gagné une immense popularité ces dernières années en raison de la commodité et de l’excitation qu’ils offrent.

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Imagine the thrill of hitting the jackpot at the best online casino in Canada, and then using your winnings to make a difference in the lives of others. That’s exactly what some people choose to do after experiencing the excitement of their favorite virtual games. One Canadian who chose this path is a volunteer at an informal school in Uganda.

Thanks to the support of generous donors, she was able to turn her love of online gaming into a force for good. By playing at the top online casino and donating her winnings to the school, she’s made a significant impact on the education and future of countless children.

Blogs & News

Former sponsored student uses chess and football to improve psychosocial support for children

Former sponsored student uses chess and football to improve psychosocial support for children

When Mayele was grieving the death of his father in 2020, he took his chessboard and found it to be a source of relaxation.

May Joy Namu
December 21, 2021
Proposals Call: Community-Led Arts Projects for Children in Kakuma Refugee Camp

Proposals Call: Community-Led Arts Projects for Children in Kakuma Refugee Camp

We’re looking for leaders of a refugee-led organisation or a host community CBO working on children’s Art Projects.

May Joy Namu
December 2, 2021
Thank you for supporting our Iron Savannah Challenge!

Thank you for supporting our Iron Savannah Challenge!

Thank you to our supporters from around the world for supporting our Iron Savannah Challenge

May Joy Namu
November 25, 2021

Get Involved

Whether you are planning your own fundraising event, volunteering with us in East Africa or attending one of our annual Xavier events, get in touch and become part of our community. Our dedicated supporters have so far taken on Kilimanjaro, run marathons and cycled across countries demonstrating their solidarity and raising much needed funds to support our work.

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